LCMBA and Covid
Lanark County Mountain Bike Association is fully supportive of all requirements put in place to reduce the spread of Covid 19.
We are not doctors or politicians or police officers, but we support any rules and regulations as published by the various levels of government.
The new rule in place effective 00:01 January 14, 2021 allows for excercise, but limits group to a maximum of 5 persons.
The following references provide additional information:
How Ontario is responding to Covid-19
Ontario will be placed under a stay-at-home order, which will require everyone to remain at home with exceptions for essential purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy; accessing health-care services; exercising; or doing essential work.
Outdoor gatherings are restricted to five people, consistent with the first-wave lockdown rules.
These notes are taken from:
Here's what you need to know about Ontario's new Covid-19 restrictions.
LCMBA thanks you for your support of the trails and requests that you comply with the Government rules and regulations,
Note that failure to comply, will result in complaints to local authorities and may jeopardize our access to these excellent trails.