Family Snowtrail

Family Snowtrail

Unapproved Trail Work
Covid has been a challenging time for people and the desire to reconnect with the outdoors is clearly a theme we have all noticed this past year. We are glad to see that people are enjoying the LCMBA trails.
As you can appreciate, there is more to trails than just building stuff. The trails are designed with a particular use and difficulty in mind when a trail is being laid out. This is why we have Blue trails and Black trails, etc. Blue trails are generally useable by almost any level or rider/pedestrian. The black ones are more difficult.
For the snowbike season, trails were designed to facilitate mechanical grooming (Bennie’s and Sugarbush). As you can appreciate, there is much work involved in maintaining trails in the winter.
As such, we ask that you not modify the trails unless it is approved by the LCMBA. Doing so puts the organization in a difficult position as we need to consider insurance implications, approval by the land stewards, and many other aspects.
Unapproved trail work puts the trail system in jeopardy. Please don’t.
If you have an interest in doing trail work or have an idea that you’d like to see, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
At this time (stay at home order-Jan 2021) we are not organizing any group activities including trail work. Trail grooming mechanically and by hand in some spots has been approved.
Thanks for your understanding and see you on the trail.